History of Bows and Bow-making - a talk by Tim Richards

The Tithe Barn, Brecon Cathedral Close

Sunday 13th October at 4.15pm

Talk by bow maker Tim Richards on the history of the bow and bow-making.

Tim began his working life as a violinist and teacher after having studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London with Yfrah Neaman and David Takeno. After 20 years of teaching and performing he decided to retrain as a luthier. Tim’s instrument making studies started with the part time course at Merton College (now South Thames College) in London with Keith Graves before joining West Dean College, Chichester for a full-time course with Shem Mackey and Ben Hebbert.

Whilst at West Dean he had the good fortune of meeting the bow maker Andrew Bellis. After learning to rehair and the beginning of bowmaking with Andrew, he realised this was the direction he wished to pursue. Since 2009 he has been solely immersed in the world of bows and bow making.

He has since specialised further and his bow making is concentrated in renaissance, baroque and classical bows. His clients include professional players as well as students and in the last three years he has fulfilled two commissions for a set of 12 baroque bows for both the Guildhall School of Music and Drama (2016) and the Royal Northern College of Music (2018-2019) and several bows for the Royal Academy of Music’s Early Music Department.

Duration: 1 hour

Tickets: £10


8. Sunday 13 October at 3.30pm - Festival Evensong in Brecon Cathedral


10. Sunday 13 October at 6pm - Concert 'Pardessus in Paradise' at The Plough Chapel